Ford F-550 single cab, 13x8 flatdeck, 2WD

1 day: $150 per day

2-3 days: $120 per day

4-6 days: $100 per day

7-14 days: $85 per per day.

15-31 days: $75 per day

1 month +: $70 per day.


3333kg Heavy duty straps: $10 each, per day.

Chain tie downs: $15 each, per day.

20-25L jerry can: $5 each, per day.

Tri-ball hitch: $10 per day.

Fifth wheel attachment: $15 per day.

Tire Chains (set): $20 per day.

First Aid Kit: $5 each, per day.

Tarps: $2.50 each, per day.

Booster Cables: $5 each, per day.

Tow Straps: $7.50 each, per day.

Agreement Details.

Before being able to leave with any truck and equipment, you will be reuired to sign our service contract, which will outline the following. You will be resposible for / obligated to;

-Return the vehicle with the gas you used refuelled. (ONLY what you used, or fill the tank before returning if more then one tank is used.)

Failure to do so will result in a service charge of $30 to cover refuelling, as well as the cost of the gas you used.

-You will be held liable for any damages / hishaps that occur, and required to repay any costs associated to the repair of damages, unless proven not at fault. (ie, insurance deems you not at fault / it is deemed as neglegence on our part, (bald tires, bad breaks, faulty or worn out parts)

- You will be held responsible to maintain all accessory equipment provided, in proper and working order, as well as return them at the end of the rental term. Failure to do so will result in repaying costs associated with repairing or replacing any equipment taken with.

-Any traffic fines related to the vehicle you use, during the time frame of which you used it, will be liable by the you to pay.